Cameroon – Honor and Loyalty : World peace: Africa resilient amidst expansionist currents

After a few decades of peace sporadically perturbed by flashes of armed rebellion, Africa has once again become, as in the 19th and 20th centuries, the battleground for practically all expansionist currents on planet earth. Of course, we are not witnessing, at least not yet, direct confrontations among powers, with the great military commitments that this implies.

Nevertheless, the myriad of crisis hotspotsof unstructured and low-intensity conflict that litter the continent, nonetheless cause a high number of deaths and destruction. Every day,extremistgroupsarmed by God knows who, how or to what end, use the most hallucinatory claims as a pretext to perpetrate all sorts of attacks on the security of people and property.

One thing is certain. These plunderers/murderers are nothing but the secular arm of foreign powers in pursuit of interests that are far from bringing happiness to our people. And if their bloody feats of arms dominate the headlines, this intense media exposure is part of the hybrid and open war that the great fighters of the global geostrategic arena are waging on the African continent.

It is high time weacknowledged that another world war is raging in Africa; a military, economic, cultural, sports, health, scientific war, and even a war of popularity through the media. The latter, speaking of the media, are more than ever used as weapons of mass intoxication of our reasoning faculties.

By magnifying, distorting, dismissing and representing facts in an incoherent manner, making gross generalisations and unfounded allegations, theyalter and condition the understanding of and opinions aboutsituationsin such a way as to cry foul againstsworn enemies. By so doing, institutions are shaken; unrest spreads among the people, and the slightest clumsiness, real or supposed, is enough to blow everything up.

The institutional upheavals and crowd movements observed in some parts of the continent are distressing proof of the harmfulness of this media war, the purpose of which is none other than to gain spheres of influence, with if necessary, fragmentation of existing States through terrorist violence.In diplomatic terms, this process is known asremodelling.

Now that both the intention and the operating methods are known, it would be at the very least suicidal to place our fate in the hands of one or other of these competitors, to the detriment of the others, which would be tantamount to jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

The ideal, if any exists in the field, would be to be able to make sovereign choices and enforce them, without having to fear a backlash. This means consolidating the spirit of national cohesion around our leaders and institutions. There is also need for more unityamong African states.

Our local media could make a substantial contribution to this, in particular by being careful not to serve as a sounding board for ready-to-consume imported narratives, real communicational inferences that are very often fallacious, such as those broadcast in a loop on channels with a large international audience.

For nations still under construction like ours, the issue of media autonomy is crucial.

Navy Captain


Head of Communication Division - MINDEF

Derniers commentaires

06.12 | 17:52

Initiative à encourager. Merci et bravo aux promoteurs du mouvement 👏👏

03.12 | 09:31

Buenas tardes, encantado de saludarte. Soy Jose
Quería escribirte porque me ha parecido interesante comentar contigo la posibilidad de que tu negocio aparezca cada mes en periódicos digitales como not

30.11 | 11:53

Bonjour Mme et toutes mes félicitations,
Je suis à Douala, je suis à la recherche de votre tisane. Avez-vous une représentation à Douala. Sinon comment faire pour avoir régulièrement votre produit.

28.11 | 21:45

Vive la folie de la littérature

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