Pr Jean-Claude SHANDA TONME, Président du MPDR et Médiateur Universel

Cameroon : Honor and loyalty CHRISTMAS 2022-NEW YEAR 2023 :  Kindness and brotherliness among Cameroonians

End of year and beginning of year; two festive and challenging periods for the Defence and Security Forces who, more than usual, must demonstrate diligence, insight and efficiency to prevent any event likely to disturb the prevailing euphoria.

As you cansee, on the roads, the movement of vehicles has intensified. In the markets, business transactions are going well. There is hustle and bustle everywhere, in a carefreeatmosphere. One thinks more about the days to come, than about the present. And that’s where the danger lies, because in this gentle bustle, drivers are a little less vigilant, even a little more excited, pedestrians are reckless, not to mention thieves, who are increasingly clever and bold. The time for accidents and other inconveniences is here again. As it should be in such circumstances, the security system has been considerably reinforced, and the alertness level has also been raised.

But given that security is everyone’s concern, especially in this festive period, a period that no one has the right to spoil, by uncivil or dangerous behaviour, we all owe ourselves at our various levels, wherever we are, to contribute to preserving this security whosesole beneficiaries we are. On the part of the government, the security imperative is taken very seriously, and the appropriate means are put in place to spare us any tragedy.

Christmas is the feast of Nativity, a moment which, by extrapolation, marks the beginning of the salvation of mankind. Through an act of divine mercy, forgiveness of sin is granted to all, unconditionally, without exception. From human experience, this example can be replicated. By deciding, for example, to forgive one’s neighbour, by refraining from disrupting public order, by committing oneself to the search for and preservation of peace in this period of spiritual devotion, one thus transcends misunderstandings, dissensions and oppositions.

By investing in acts of solidarity, as the staff of the Defence and Security Forces do so well, always lookingafter the offspring of their fallen comrades in arms, by giving freely and generously to the needy, we alleviatesuffering, and consolidate the feeling of belonging to the same nation, peopleand family.

This Christmas 2022, let us have a fraternal thought, let us show love, let us sing and pray for the recovery of our brothers and sisters who have been deceived by the entrepreneurs of violence and chaos, and forced to take up arms against their fatherland, which they nevertheless adore.

The feast of Nativity, by its human and spiritual symbolism, is certainly an ideal opportunity to open hearts to forgiveness and reconciliation, so that the guns are silenced throughout Cameroon. This Christmas 2022, the bright hope of a new beginning reaches out to us. Let us seize it. Merry Christmas to you all!!!

Navy Captain


Head of Communication Division - MINDEF

Derniers commentaires

06.12 | 17:52

Initiative à encourager. Merci et bravo aux promoteurs du mouvement 👏👏

03.12 | 09:31

Buenas tardes, encantado de saludarte. Soy Jose
Quería escribirte porque me ha parecido interesante comentar contigo la posibilidad de que tu negocio aparezca cada mes en periódicos digitales como not

30.11 | 11:53

Bonjour Mme et toutes mes félicitations,
Je suis à Douala, je suis à la recherche de votre tisane. Avez-vous une représentation à Douala. Sinon comment faire pour avoir régulièrement votre produit.

28.11 | 21:45

Vive la folie de la littérature

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