Though repeated a thousand and one times, a lie will never become a truth. Some people, some organizations should know this; and they know it in a rather appropriate way, because having prevailed in an increasingly distant past, unfortunately, of a moral authority, of a notoriety and a legility therefore hardlycontestable. Hence, certainly the insistence and indecisive persistence that characterizes them, in this haunting repetition of cognitive implications, to which public opinion is subject and now familiar.
It is indeed at more or less regular intervals that we are served the same allegations with a few variations, the same oriented testimonies devoid of proof and dumping tons of the worst atrocities on the account of the legality camp. However, as if to continue to maintain what would remain of this illusion of impartiality in, which no one believes any more, even among humanitarian speculators, here are the carriers of the weapons of peace and security who work relentlessly for the betterment of the national community and the martyr's aspiration spadassins who explode and explode lives.
This impression of fairness is but a public relations endeavour designed to water down the seriousness of the bloody exploits of the deadly terrorist fake, in order to find some incredible justification. In reality, the final effect sought in this intellectual disloyalty remains, of course, the demonization of responsible government action.