Cameroon –Honor and Loyalty : Hybrid violence in the Gulf of Guinea: impunity for hidden actors protected abroad

The current state of the world advises, if not obliges, States to consolidate their achievements and positions, and to develop their ambitions, based essentially on their capacities. The proclaimed internationalisation andglobalisation is only partial and practically a one-way street. The unidirectional flows are essentially from North to South, whether in politics, economics, trade, finance or culture. The less wealthy countries copy blindly, consuming without moderation what the wealthier countries send them. Brain drain, capital flight and the universalisation of national jurisdiction are just some of the areas in which this new form of assimilationist hegemony is being exercised.

Through opaque manoeuvres and false narratives repeated over and over, the intelligence of the people is put into prolonged hibernation, and any manifestation of vigilance, a hint of resistance or an expression of sovereignty automatically triggers the converging wrath of the community of united predators. Where applicable, organised and sustained socio-political upheavals and long-planned and programmed armed violence are presented as signs that people have had enough.

History irrefutably documents the numerous attempts by certain foreign special services to destabilise our state institutions, particularly in Africa. This is not going to change.

In this context, is it any wonder that major criminal agitators hiding abroad are only interested in perpetuating a certain colonial legacy? In reality, everything is being done to divide the people, to incite them to kill each other more and more, and to continue to impose on them, that is, on us, the crushing burden of subjugation, the infamous state of beggary.

To opt for separatism is to play into the hands of colonialism, whose only ideology is our humiliation and enslavement. Separatism has never satisfied anything but the appetites of external actors. What’s more, the mini-states we want to create will be neither viable nor reliable. To come back to our country, the established powers would not like to see Cameroon acquire food autonomy and scientific capabilities that would enable it to build an industrial and technological fabric capable of transforming it from a docile client into a formidable competitor in the future.

But Cameroon’s vocation is to become a centre of prosperity, security, peace and unity, not only in Central Africa but throughout the Gulf of Guinea, including the hinterland. Cameroonians are a proud people, ambitious, courageous, enterprising and, above all, capable of charting their course through the contingencies of history.

It is time for us Cameroonians to realise that we have suffered enough from the protectorate, the mandate, the trusteeship, economic crises and terrorism. These various factors, most of them man-made, have only led us down the path of mental alienation, socio-economic regression and diplomatic irrelevance. We can no longer accept this.

We must no longer lend our ears or our energies to those who promise us nothing but the perpetuation of a particular colonial legacy. That era is irrevocably over. Fighting our fellow countrymen is like a snake biting its own tail, which is tantamount to suicide. We must also refuse to accept this. /-

Navy Captain,


Head of Communication

Division - MINDEF

Derniers commentaires

06.12 | 17:52

Initiative à encourager. Merci et bravo aux promoteurs du mouvement 👏👏

03.12 | 09:31

Buenas tardes, encantado de saludarte. Soy Jose
Quería escribirte porque me ha parecido interesante comentar contigo la posibilidad de que tu negocio aparezca cada mes en periódicos digitales como not

30.11 | 11:53

Bonjour Mme et toutes mes félicitations,
Je suis à Douala, je suis à la recherche de votre tisane. Avez-vous une représentation à Douala. Sinon comment faire pour avoir régulièrement votre produit.

28.11 | 21:45

Vive la folie de la littérature

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