Cameroon – Honor and Loyalty : WORLD EVENTS : Africa condemned to choose its preferred path to death???

Will humanityever learn from its mistakes? Is pain really the master of human being? The answers to these questions may vary, but it is imperative to hope fervently that thisis the case, because current events on our planet seriously suggest otherwise.

How can we not admit that human being is an eternal incorrigible, who seems to find pleasure and happiness only in suffering and pain?

After more than one hundred million deaths as a result of two hot world wars, to which must be added an as-yet-unspecified number of millions of deathscaused by the other so-called cold war, is humanity, or a part of it, not forging arguments for a fourth global-scale cataclysm? In any case, there is an air of seen and heard, since the previous sparks that ignited the world started in the same geographical area, always over the same territorial rivalries.

The situation would be less serious and the omens less frightening, if the current power struggles were confined to the area where they started, instead of being a kind of export product, under the guise of defending values that are portrayed as universal.If only they were, the peoples of the so-called civilised world, who arenowstruggling with their own demons, would not feel the need to impose them on us, falsely and hastily.

Our countries are thus condemned to choose between two projects leading inexorably to the self-destruction of humanity, two sides of the same coin, neither of which presents our civilisation in the expression of love, fraternity and generosity.It is a way of asking us to choose between two options, our preferred path to death.

With the likelihood of the nuclear threshold being crossed, the prospect of global annihilation should be considered with seriousness and gravity.Africa, the cradle of humanity, a continent that places the human being at the centre of all its concerns and preoccupations, cannot countenance such an extreme.