Cameroon - Honor and Loyalty : PEACE IN AFRICA: Conciliation and composure,the way forward

A few days before the celebration of the fifty-first anniversary of the referendum that made Cameroon a Unitary State, and while divisions are emerging in many countries, it seems appropriate to take a look at our usual ability to resolve our misunderstandings peacefully, without foreign intervention.

It is an ability that stems from our will to find concerted, constructive and sustainable solutions in complete autonomy, something that requires us to ignore both material considerations and shallow selfish tendencies in order to serve the general interest.

Apart from the public consultation of 1972, the Cameroonian model for resolving internal disagreements includes other negotiations whose historical significance continues to shape the socio-political landscape of our country. We are referring to whatis known as the Tripartite. Hosted by the Yaoundé Conference Centre, this event brought together the protagonists of the local socio-political microcosm in order to find appropriate responses to the aspirations for greater democratic openness carried by a certain wind from the East after the fall of the Berlin Wall. This was the time of the so-called years of civil disobedience. The multi-party system is the most symbolic outcome.

More recently, the Major National Dialogue was held, another important consultation aimed at correcting functional shortcomings that were detrimental to the serenity of ourpeople.

As far as the spirit of these consultations is concerned, it was essential to avoid the inevitable suffering that results from solutions imposed by force, when it is known that these solutions, instead of alleviating frustration, create resentment that heralds future outbursts.

Our country has had painful experience of this, and there is no need to perpetuate the obscurantist and terrorist groups that agitate parts of the national territory.

The return to level-headedness and a spirit of conciliation should also be advocated in the social media, that springboard for responsible exchange which has unfortunately become a gaping hole for impersonation, promotion and popularisation ofirresponsible behaviour that used to be considered contrary to the values of human society.

If, as things stand, the most industrially and technologically advanced countries can afford to envisage the advent of an era in which humanity, artificially reduced to its simplest expression, will be at the service of the machine in a ruthless and insatiable race to accumulate wealth, we Africans still have a great asset that so many people lack today. This is the virtue of peaceful debate, which is infinitely more effective than any demonstration of force. Let us make full use of it. /-

Navy Captain


Head  of Communication Division - MINDEF

Derniers commentaires

06.12 | 17:52

Initiative à encourager. Merci et bravo aux promoteurs du mouvement 👏👏

03.12 | 09:31

Buenas tardes, encantado de saludarte. Soy Jose
Quería escribirte porque me ha parecido interesante comentar contigo la posibilidad de que tu negocio aparezca cada mes en periódicos digitales como not

30.11 | 11:53

Bonjour Mme et toutes mes félicitations,
Je suis à Douala, je suis à la recherche de votre tisane. Avez-vous une représentation à Douala. Sinon comment faire pour avoir régulièrement votre produit.

28.11 | 21:45

Vive la folie de la littérature